Jack Otto
Era: World War II
Military Branch: Army

Photo 1: Mr. Otto in uniform
Photo 2: Mr. Otto portrait
Photo 3: Telegram: back in the U.S.
Photo 4: Wedding announcement
Photo 5: Military I.D. card, Camp Claiborne
Photo 6: Left to right: E. Jackson, L. Jackson, Jack Otto
Photo 7: Louisiana maneuvers, 1941, Jack Otto with hat and sunglasses on
(The collection includes several other photographs, not included here.)
Mr. Otto served in World War II. He served in the European Theater.
He served in the U.S. Army in the 125th Field Artillery Battalion. He left Duluth in February, 1941, to train at Camp Claiborne, Louisiana. On March 3, 1941, the 125th left Duluth bound for Fort Dix, New Jersey, and other camps. In May 1942, the 125th traveled by boat to Northern Ireland for training with the British. The 125th was in North Africa in January 1943 and in Italy subsequently.
Mr. Otto was from Duluth, Minnesota, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Otto.
From the Duluth News-Tribune, war-time, undated:
“Cpl. Jack Otto, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Otto, route 1, Duluth, is in his medium in the snow-blanketed Apennine mountains on the Fifth army front in Italy, where he repairs communication wire. Snowshoes, recently issued to Otto and his comrades in the 125 field artillery battalion, brought back memories of Chester Park, where the lineman acquired sill on snowshoes and skis. He is a veteran of the Tunisian campaign.”