Hans W. Eng
Era: World War II
Military Branch: Marines
Hans W. Eng served during World War II in the South Pacific.
He served in the U.S. Marine Corps from February 7, 1944 to February 14, 1947. He was assigned to the 4th Air Wing, Marine Aircraft Group 33. His rank was Corporal.
On February 7, 1944 , Mr. Eng was among seven men who left Duluth, Minnesota, for Marine boot camp in San Diego, California. After eight weeks of basic training, they were given a 10-day furlough before leaving for Honolulu.
From Honolulu they traveled to Peleliu Island. At this point, the invasion was already well underway. They remained on Peleliu Island for several months. Upon securing the island, 2,000 troops and a Navy gun crew traveled from Peleliu Island to Espiritu Santo rest camp in the New Hebrides Islands, near New Zealand.
From New Hebrides, they traveled via convoy to Okinawa and arrived there on L-Day, which was Easter Sunday, April 1, 1945. The trip took 44 days. They remained in Okinawa until the war ended on August 15, 1945. They traveled back home to Treasure Island in San Francisco aboard Liberty ships, which had been built during WW I.
Upon discharge from the Marines, Mr. Eng traveled home by train, hoping to arrive by Christmas. He arrived in Chicago on Christmas Eve, but was not able to get home for Christmas.
Mr. Eng was the lone survivor of the original group of seven men who departed from Duluth for Marine boot camp on February 7, 1944.
He was born in 1925 in Duluth, Minnesota, and was the son on Dora and Milton Eng.
Source: Veterans’ Memorial Hall veteran history form; veteran’s account