Richard E. Chapman
Era: Cold War
Military Branch: Air Force

Photo Captions:
1. - Mr. Chapman and a buddy in the back of a jeep, Military Harbor on Okinawa, 1960.
2. - First F-102 Delta Dagger arrives via aircraft transport to Naha Air Base, Okinawa, 1960.
3. – "This was taken in the village on Okinawa about two blocks from the original Tea House of the August Moon. I can still remember running from the MP's through the village in this outfit. Of course, that was when I was fleet of foot and knew all the shortcuts and alleys in the neighborhood."
4. - By a sign on Wake Island, 1958.
5. - Mr. Chapman and two buddies at a bus stop in Okinawa, 1959.
6. - Mr. Chapman with his uncle, Henry Chapman, in Navy uniforms, in 1943.
7. - Mr. Chapman in 1960 leaning on the propeller of a small aircraft (L-20 6-passenger light aircraft), Naha Air Force Base, Okinawa.
Mr. Chapman served during the Cold War.
He entered the Air Force in November 1957 and took basic training at Lackland AFB, Texas. In January 1958, he went to Communications Center Specialist School at F.E. Warren AFB, Wyoming. Following this he attended Cryptographic Operator school at Lackland AFB, Texas, in May 1958.
In August 1958, Mr. Chapman was assigned to the 6431st Operations Squadron, Naha AB, Okinawa, Japan, as a Cryptographic Operator. In June 1959, he was selected as “Airman of the Month” at the 6431st Air Base Group. He served two-and-a-half years on Okinawa.
In February 1961, he was assigned to the 907th Radar Squadron, Bucks Harbor, Maine, as a Cryptographic Operator.
He was discharged in June 1962 at Dow AFB, Maine, after serving 4 years and 7 months.
Mr. Chapman is the son of Carl Chapman, who himself is one of six Chapman brothers who served in the military or on the home front during WWII.