Charles Cotter
Era: Civil War
Military Branch: Army

COTTER, Charles
Charles Cotter was born on July 27th 1947 in Bradford County, Pennsylvania. He lived in one of the town sites around Duluth, working on the railroad.
Charles was one of 18 locals of the St. Louis County area that served with the Union during the Civil War. Charles mustered in and out as a Private (PVT) in the Union Army.
In 1864 Cotter was assigned to the Minnesota Calvary, Company B (Brackett’s Battalion), a unit that fought extensively in Missouri, Tennessee and Alabama before being sent to the Dakotas and Montana late in the war years to put down Indian uprisings.
After his discharge, he returned to Duluth and then to North Dakota to continue work on the railroad. He married Bridget Blake in 1872 and started a family.
Mr. Cotter died on May 13th 1933 at 75 years of age.
He is also featured on the SLCHS/VMH traveling exhibit, "The 18". The exhibit honors the 18 local Veterans known to have left everything to go off and fight for the Union in the Civil War. These 18 men, their characters forged in the rugged wilds of northern Minnesota, served the nation and helped build St. Louis County.
Albert J. Amatuzio Research Center | Veterans Memorial Hall (
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