Robert W. Aho
Era: World War II
Military Branch: Navy

Robert W. Aho
Mr. Aho entered the Navy in September 1943.
He was an Electricians Mate Second Class and movie operator aboard the destroyer-escort USS Stewart (DE-238) on two convoy escort trips to Italy and two to Scotland.
He was injured during a November 1944 hurricane. He was assigned to the crew of the newly commissioned destroyer USS Duncan (DD-874) which served in the Asiatic-Pacific Theater as radar picket ship and as an escort to the aircraft carriers USS Boxer and and USS Antietam until the war ended in 1945.
He later served with the USS Boxer, and destroyed floating mines in the Yellow Sea near China. He was hospitalized on Guam with head injury and shipped to the naval hospital at San Leandro, California.
Separated at Chicago in May 1946. Saw duty in the Caribbean, China, and Yellow Sea. Honorably discharged May 1946.
Source: Hometown Heroes: The Saint Louis County World War II Project, page 16.