Robert C. LaGesse
Era: World War II
Military Branch: Army
Robert C. LaGesse served in World War II joining the U.S. Army Air Force Cadet Program in 1944 while still in high school.
In January 1945 he was called into active service. He attended basic training and then advanced training in Airplane and Engine Mechanics School, Keesler Field, Mississippi.
He was assigned to the 808th Engineer Aviation Battalion, Orly Field, Paris, where he was a Flight Line Mechanic achieving the rank of Sergeant and was discharged in January 1947.
Mr. LaGesse was born in 1926 in Superior, Wisconsin, the son of Les LaGesse and Edna Noble. He graduated from high school in 1944.
Source: Veterans’ Memorial Hall veteran history form; veteran’s account (below);
“I volunteered for the Air Force Cadet Program while in high school in 1944. Called to active service in January 1945. Spent 1945 in basic training and then aircraft mechanic’s training in Keesler Field, Mississippi. Went overseas in January 1946 and spent a year at Orly Field, Paris, France, as a flight line mechanic as part of the 808th Air Engineering Division. Discharged in January 1947.”