Henry Edward Turk
Era: World War II
Military Branch: Army

TURK, Henry Edward
Henry Edward Turk was born on October 23rd 1918 John & Helen [Mikolich] Turk in Hibbing, Minnesota
Mr. Turk was a U.S. Army veteran of World War II. Home of entry: Hibbing, Minnesota.
PVT Turk was honorably discharged on January 8th 1946. After the war he returned home and married Elaine Laura [Deger] and they started a family.
He stayed active in military functions as a member of the Disabled American Veterans (DAV) and Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Post 8510.
He was a chemist with Snyder Mining until retiring after 42 years.
Mr. Turk died August 25, 2002 at 83 years of age. He is buried at Maple Hill Cemetery in Hibbing.
Source(s): VMH Entry CSS
Albert J. Amatuzio Research Center | Veterans Memorial Hall (vets-hall.org)
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