John Felix Kendzora
Era: Korea
Military Branch: Air Force

KENDZORA, John Felix
John Felix Kendzora was born on October 31st 1930 to Joseph Felix & Sally Cecelia [Kuyava] Kendzora in Duluth, Minnesota. He graduated from Denfeld High School in 1948.
Mr. Kendzora enlisted in the U.S. Air Force during the Korean War. He served his country as a medic in Okinawa during the war. He rose to the rank of Airman 3rd Class (A3C). Airman Kendzora was honorably discharged.
After the war he returned home and married Carole Ann [Repensky] on May 29th 1954 and they started a family. John's father Joseph Felix Kendzora and his brother Wallace Joseph Kendzora also served in WWI and WWII respectively.
Mr. Kendzora died on August 13th 2015 at 84 years of age at the Chris Jensen Health & Rehabilitation Center in Duluth. He is buried at the Polish Catholic Cemetery in Duluth.
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